Join us for the eighth year of this program that has fast become a community favorite!
Adopt your very own sugar maple tree for the syrup season (typically 4-6 weeks, depending on weather), right here at the New Canaan Nature Center. Participate weekly in the entire syrup making process, from sap collections (1-3 times a week, depending on sap flow) to boil downs (where we turn maple sap into delicious maple syrup). You’ll also get your very own bottle of NCNC-made maple syrup at our end-of-season Pot-luck dinner in March.
Program begins with our Adopt a Tree Kickoff on February 13th. Syrup families/groups join our Naturalists at the Sugar Shack for one time block (either 10:00am, 11:30am or 1:00pm) to take part in choosing and tapping a maple tree (takes approx. 45-60 minutes).
Pre-registration is required, so call (203) 966-9577 ext.20 today to sign up.