Since 1919, the New Canaan community has gathered on God’s Acre on Christmas Eve to sing carols around the town Christmas Tree — a tradition begun by John E. Hersam, who founded the New Canaan Advertiser in 1908, and other members of the Town Band. That tradition continues this year, Thursday, Dec. 24, at 6:30 p.m.
Some help is needed from the townspeople to cover expenses, and the Advertiser is a collection point for the money. Financial contributions support services for the erection of the bandstand, its regular maintenance, the light bill for the tree, etc. These expenses have traditionally been supported by small gifts from many.
As in the past, the Advertiser will be printing up the lyrics with support from Karl Chevrolet. We also have a mobile website dedicated to the caroling, which can be found at
You can drop off donations at the Advertiser, 42 Vitti St., or mail to P.O. Box 605, New Canaan, CT 06840. Make checks out to Hersam Acorn Newspapers and put Christmas Carols Fund in the memo.
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